DUCCS Director Update

DUCCS Director Update.  Rob Mentz – Feb, 2015

As the Director of DUCCS, I’m looking forward to many exciting opportunities for the organization and its members in 2015. As Dr O’Connor transitions to his exciting new position, we wanted to thank him for his years of leadership and support for the organization. He is responsible for much of the success we have experienced. We look forward to including Inova in our DUCCS network.


Our plans for DUCCS in 2015 include revamping the website and making this a starting point for networking with DUCCS colleagues, highlighting prior and ongoing research success as well as new research opportunities, and enhancing CME opportunities. DUCCS members have had incredible success in multiple ongoing trials and 2015 will mark a banner year for DUCCS as our sites are involved in a number of innovative trial designs including pragmatic clinical trials with EHR based data acquisition. In particular, we are excited about the development of our rapid start-up clinical trial network designed to streamline clinical trial involvement. Another key aim for the organization is to help support fellows as they transition to their post-fellowship career. We will be working closely with the fellowship program to enhance this process. We hope to build upon the prior successes of the organization and demonstrate our position as a premier network of clinicians, educators and researchers. Please email me (robert.mentz@dm.duke.edu) with suggestions or comments.     Robert.Mentz@dm.duke.edu